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Zsófia Puszt

In 2016 I graduated from Photography BA at the University of Kaposvár. After graduation I became a member of the Studio of Young Photographers and tried myself in different areas of photography. However my interest has been more directed towards art and critical media education over the years. Therefore I have been studying at the Universität der Künste Berlin Art in Context since 2018 where my specialisation is art mediation. My main interest lies in critical media education for various social groups, especially children and teenagers. 

The study of human relationships and communities is a crucial part of my art. I am therefore particularly interested in participatory art work and experimental approaches. My main goal is to make contemporary art accessible and understandable to all, so that they can define themselves in life and also in the digital space. 


2018-2022: Postgraduate Master Art in Context, Fakultät der bildenden Künste, Universität der Künste Berlin

2013-2016: Photography BA, University Kaposvár

Jobs and internships

12. 2020 - 01.2022: Student assistant at the ECDF professorship (Einstein Center Digital Future) for

“Digital Self-Determination” of Prof. Dr. Maximilian von Grafenstein at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)

05.2020-03.2022: Photo editor and social media manager at 'eigenart' magazin which is the magazine of the students from Universität der Künste Berlin

05-09.2019: Digital assistant and retoucher at Café Analog Budapest

05.2016-06.2017: Photo assistant at Flashback Photostudio Budapest

2015: Internship at Magyar Nemzet

2014-2015: Internship at Csiky Gergely Színház Kaposvár

Workshops and art education

03.2022: Workshop week, Megújulás Exhibition, Pannonhalmi Bencés Főapátság

01.2022: Studentische Proteste und Ich, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena

09.-1 1.2021: Democracy and Me, Online Exhibition and art education at Prater Galerie Berlin

05.06.2021: Bildungsschock Students Day, HKW Berlin
Democracy and Me, art education project and research, Budapest, Berlin

27. 05. 2021: Fanzine Workshop at eigenart Magazin, Berlin

07.2020: @foundpiggies project workshop at Studio of Young Photographers

01. 2020: Fanzine Werkstatt, Spielclub Oranienstr 25 No. 2, nGbK Berlin

1 1. 2019: Fanzine Werkstatt w Marcos García Perez, Spielclub Oranienstr 25, nGbK 

1 1.2019: Fotoakademie w Valeria Fahrenkrog, Spielclub O-Straße 25, nGbK


17.10.2020: COWORKING - FFS új tagjainak bemutatkozó kiállítása, SKURC, Budapest

10.2019: Fotósok a sörcsapok mögött, BMKG, Budapest

07. 17. 2019: @foundpiggies Projekt w Octagon, Berlin 

03. 2019: Anatomy of Photography, Rómer Flóris Galéria, Győr

06. 2018: Hashtag ArtandMe, My Museum Gallery, Budapest

10. 2017: Fotobook London, Photoblock festival, London

09. 2017: Sofia Art Book fair, Sofia

07. 2017: Miss Read: Berlin Art Book Festival 2017, Berlin

06. 2017: Photobook 3.0, Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Budapest

06. 2017: Vienna Photobook Festival MAMAPhotobooks-al, Vienna

03. 2017: Agorafóbia, Fobofóbia, K.A.S galéria, Budapest

12. 2016: Cultural Traffic, London2016. 10., Berlin Photo Month-CO Berlin Peter Puklus installation, Berlin

06. 2016: KEF kiállítótér, ArtPlacc, Tihany

06. 2016: Diploma kiállítás,FUGA, Budapest

05. 2016: Mamavore, Photobook kiállítás, Omnivore gallery, Budapest

1 1-12. 2015: Random „Élet-Terek”, Karton Galéria, Budapest


06. 2020: A photobook lehetőségei a társadalomban és a művészetben, 2. rész,

05.2020: A photobook lehetőségei a társadalomban és a művészetben, 1. rész


2020-: Studio of Young Photographers

2017-2019: Hungarian Publishers and Booksellers Association

2016-2018: Studio of Young Photographers


19.08.2021: A művészetpedagógia alternatívái, Újművészet. hu, by Tamás Don :

27.03.20 : "Nem csak egy kép lehet művészet", by Vera A. Fehér:

09.04.2018: Smúzolás vagy pultozás?, designisso interview by Oxána Sztrehalet:

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