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Democracy and Me

Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy

What can democracy look like in the future in a post-communist country where liberal democracy never really existed?

What think young hungarian women about the future of democracy? 

Democracy and Me is an an artistic-educational project on critical media mediation and political engagement in Hungary.

From February of 2021 until June of 2021 I have worked online with young women from two high schools in Hungary. Our main topic was the democracy and within that the future of liberal democracy in their home country. We sat down once a week and discussed perspectives. Afterwards, we dealed with the topic artistically on the basis of different aspects (e.g.: aspect of women, nationalism, marginalised groups). Our goal was to produce a fanzine for an ideal democracy in which all the students will have their own topics. Reactions of the question: what they would like to convey about solidarity, freedom and equality. The students chose topics which they were currently thinking problematic in their environment, especially in the democratic system in Hungary. Firstly we had an opportunity to present our picture collection about democracy and the own works of the students at the online gallery room of Prater Galerie Berlin on 29 Mai.

On the first and the second June we organised our project days at Mai Manó House Budapest during these days we worked together personally and made our participative fanzine.  You can find our fanzines at ISBN Books and Gallery in Budapest. 


Thank you for being supported by Zichy Mihály Iparművészeti Szakgimnázium és Kollégium, Karinthy Frigyes Gimnázium and especially Emese Váradi, Hurrikan Press, Mai Manó House and Tibor Nagy.

Demokrácia és Én kicsi.jpg
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
Democracy and Me, Photo: Tibor Nagy
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© 2021 by Zsófia Puszt 

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