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In 2013 I started my college education simultaneously with the actor class of Uray Péter, an class from University of Kaposvár. From the first year on, I got close to the members of the class and soon I’ve started documenting their lives through photography. The class has had their last few weeks together during the summer of 2017. They’ve preformed at 8 different locations around the country and I’ve followed them through that summer. During the summer they’ve had the chance to experience an intimate life situation, where they were like a family on and off stage for the last time. I’d like to dedicate this project to the members of the class in memory of that summer.

In 2018 we made with the graphic designer Diána Terjék a photozine about the last summer of the class. You can buy the photozine in the ISBN Books and Gallery in Budapest. 

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